City of Sausalito

Optional Extras

$1,000 Donation
No Tax
$10,000 Donation
No Tax
$100 Donation
No Tax
$25 Donation
No Tax
$250 Donation
No Tax
$5,000 Donation
No Tax
$50 Donation
No Tax
$500 Donation
No Tax

Course Dates

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About this Course

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Sausalito Fireworks are 100% funded by resident donations. Help keep out City's tradition alive and donate to continue celebrating our nations independence! Fireworks are launched from a barge moored off Spinnaker Point. The show begins between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. and is preceded by live music in Gabrielson Park. Donations to the fireworks fund are tax deductible. The Tax ID is located at the bottom of your receipt.